A Brief Biography
H.I. Elim in ELIM Lab. (Exod.15:27; 16:1) is An Associate Professor in Physics of Nanoscience, Nanotechnology & Nanomedicine at Pattimura University (March 2019) with background of B.Sc (S.Si, 1989-1995, under the scholarship of CIDA-EIUDP, Canada) in Physics at Gadjah Mada University (UGM), M.Sc (M.Si, 1997-1999, under the scholarship of World Bank-Dikti) in Physics from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), and Ph.D of Physics (2001-2004, 2005, under the NUS research scholarship, Singapore) at National University of Singapore (NUS). Prior to PhD degree, I worked as a research fellow at Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, NUS from October 2004 to January 2006. I then continued pursuing research career as a postdoctoral reseacher (as a research Prof at age of 38 in 2007) at NUS and Tohoku University from January 2006 to March 2012. Before I studied my M.Sc and Ph.D, I worked as a Physics lecturer at Pattimura university. I then tried to resign from Pattimura Univ. at the end of 2012 and then left it without approval for about 2 years. Moreover, I tried hard to look for a better job and got it 3 months later in Fabruary 2013 working as a senior researcher and lecturer at Surya university, Indonesia for 3 month at CMMN, and then moved to STKIP Surya from May 2013 to May 2014 as a Physics lecturer. I then got a temporary job as Physics lecturer registered at Matana Univ., Tangerang until December 2014. During the tough time, Dr. Elim then accidentally returned to Pattimura Univ. since my resignation letter did NOT approve by The president of UNPATTI, so that Dr. Elim can still be able to be accepted by Pattimura Univ., even the Indonesian Edu. Gov. Office in Jakarta had move my name from UNPATTI to the non-homebase institution. Currently, I am building My new lab with all the simple supraratio and supranatural work at Lab. of Nanomaterials for Photonics Nanotechnology called as Lab. N4PN, Physics dept., Pattimura Univ., Ambon. Since 24th April 2015, he was the Chairman of nanotechnology research center and innovative creation called as PPNRI-LEMLIT, UNPATTI, Ambon (website: http://lemlit.unpatti.ac.id/pusat-pnri). On December 18, 2017, Dr. Elim was elected as one among two best young Indonesia Scientist at Pattimura University. Recently, Dr Elim tried to build Multidisciplinary Research Center of Excellence (MrCE) at Pattimura university. My Current Website: http://fisika.fmipa.unpatti.ac.id/hendry-izaac-elim/. In 2017, Dr. Elim has been elected as a regular member of AAAS. While in February 2018, Dr. Elim has been a regular member of ACS. In Indonesia, Dr. Elim is currently among 50 best overall scientists of over 250,000 Indonesia researchers and scientists based on SINTA, RistekDikti Index with SCOPUS/ Web of Science (WOS) H-index of 26, and more than 2601 citations. In addition, Dr Elim has served as editor in International Journal of Health Medicine and Current Research (IJHMCR) since 2016. In May 2017, Dr Elim received a president of Indonesia award called as XX years Satyalancana Karya Satya as well as An Indonesia Young Scientist Award from Pattimura university Rector, Prof. M.J. (Nus) Saptenno in 2017. Dr. Elim is currently serving others as Editor-In-Chief (EIC) in (newly frontier journal of) SCIENCE NATURE, URL: http://sciencenature.fmipa.unpatti.ac.id, and Journal of Multitasking Application on Philosophy and Science (JAMFAS), URL: https://ojs3.unpatti.ac.id/index.php/jamfas, an honorable editorial board in CPQ Women and Child Health, URL: https://www.cientperiodique.com/article/CPQWC as well as An Associate Editor in Analytical Chemistry Letters since 2020 (URL: https://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?show=editorialBoard&journalCode=tacl20). On 9th June 2020, Dr. Elim just released his first announcement on the establishment of Ambon Academy of Science and Arts <A-ASA> in Science Nature magazine front news. This non-profit independent organization of A-ASA is to provide a help for the coming generation in the right direction based on enough knowledge and advanced multitasking understanding. In addition, Dr. Elim has educated over 75 research students including a master student (M.Eng.) from Germany in the last 6 years since 2014. In addition, Dr. Elim has served many different scientific communities during international meetings of symposium, webinar (daring system of talks) and conference as well as expo/ exhibition as contributed speaker, keynote speaker, and plenary speaker in many different countries such as Indonesia, Singapore, Japan, Germany, USA, India, and Africa, respectively.