***** ==> Selected invited talks/ Webinar:
[10]. How to Prepare Your Research & Publications (pdf file): 30th September 2021 at FKIP, Pattimura University, Ambon, Indonesia
our motivation: "Working as PERFECT as GOD (Jesus, Matt. 5:48)"
July 2021, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.15913.31841
Conference: The 4th African International Conference on Nanotechnology and Its Application, 2021 (Prof. Elim profile)
[9]. Frontier Nonlinear Optics for Photonics Breakthrough: Eternal Power vs. Renewable Energy
March 2021, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11866.67524
International conference (Virtual) on Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials on March 26th to 27th, 2021 (ICOAM - 2021), Department of Physics ,Sri Venkateswara University- Tirupati , India- 517502
[1]. I-LAB, Inspirator-Inventor&Innovator, 13-11-2020 to welcome the 12 physics freshmen, Daring Seminar. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26288.38405
Source: H.I. Elim, Ph.D (Assoc.Prof. in PHYSICS)
[2]. The Journey of Scientific Writing Improvement for High Quality Journals, International EXPO 2020 on Languange, Culture and Education. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31337.11368
Source: H.I. Elim, Ph.D (Assoc.Prof. in PHYSICS)
[3]. Multitasking Herbal Medicine versus 1 Target Medicine: Love or Blessing in NEW NORMAL Condition, International WEBINAR 2020. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29207.19367
Source: H.I. Elim, Ph.D (Assoc.Prof. in PHYSICS)
[4]. Mapping ENERGY using Multitasking PHYSICS, INTERNATIONAL Webinar between Germany and Indonesia. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.25851.75049
Source: H.I. Elim, Ph.D (Assoc.Prof. in PHYSICS)
[5]. EtHics in Review Articles and Proof Readers, National Webinar from Language Center of Pattimura Univ. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12680.03844
Source: H.I. Elim, Ph.D (Assoc.Prof. in PHYSICS)
[6]. A high quality research output starting from a good scientist, and then his own laboratories up to the integrated research center (i-LAB), The 1st National Webinar from Pattimura univ. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32812.69762
Source: H.I. Elim, Ph.D (Assoc.Prof. in PHYSICS)
[7]. Multitasking Physics Contributions between Indonesia Society 5.0 and Inductry 5.0. ISBN : 978-602-52468-7-6 pp. 1-7 from 283 pages of Proceeding book from Hasnuddin university, Makasar, Indonesia. Proceeding of Seminar Nasional Fisika 2019, ISBN : 978-602-52468-7-6 with 283 pages
Source: H.I. Elim, Ph.D (Assoc.Prof. in PHYSICS)
***** ==> Books:
[1]. H.I. Elim, Metode Fisika Eksperimen, Pelengkap Teori Fisika , Pattimura university press, 1st Edition in December 2019, ISBN: 978-602-5943-05-8.
[2]. H.I. Elim, Nonlinear Optics and The Frontier of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Pattimura University Press, 1st Edition in December 2019, ISBN: 978-602-61906-97
[3]. H.I. Elim, Panduan Skripsi Sarjana Sains (S.Si), Pattimura University Press, 1st Edition in December 2019, ISBN: 978-602-61906-8-0
***** ==> Selected Chapter of Book:
[1]. H.I. Elim, Smart Innovative Technology for the NOVEL Superfibers Development of Ocean Wastes, Memuliakan Laut, Pattimura Universitas Press, pp.250-263 (2017), Pattimura university press, ISBN: 978-602-61906-0-4, Memuliakan Laut. Buah Pikiran Akademisi Universitas Pattimura, Publisher: Pattimura University Press, Editors: J.P. Haumahu, R. Maail, J.J. Franz, H. Rehatta, J. Titarsole, pp.250-263.
***** ==> As Editor of Book:
[1]. Fenomena Sains & Sosial Humaniora di Era Industri 4.0
***** ==> Background of Research Building style:
How to build a Nanotechnology Research Center from 0-Scientist: A Sharing
- July 2021